Friday, June 5, 2015
UCHAGUZI wa wabunge uliokuwa umepangwa kufanyika Juni 5 na ule wa rais uliokuwa umepangwa kufanyika Juni 26 umeahirishwa na hakuna tarehe mpya iliyotajwa ya kufanyika tena uchaguzi huo.
Msemaji wa Rais Pierre Nkurunziza, Willy Nyamitwe, amesema kuwa tume ya uchaguzi itapanga upya zoezi hilo kwa kuzingatia mapendekezo yaliyotolewa na viongozi wa Jumuiya ya Afrika Mashariki pamoja na mipaka ya katiba ya nchi na kisha kutangaza tarehe mpya ya kufanyika zoezi hilo.
Aidha kufuatia tangazo hilo la kuahirishwa uchaguzi wa bunge na rais, kambi ya upinzani nchini humo imesema kuwa iko tayari kukutana na upande wa serikali kwa ajili ya kuendeleza mazungumzo ya kuutafutia ufumbuzi mgogoro wa kisiasa unaoikabili nchi hiyo ya Afrika Mashariki.
Hata hivyo Viongozi wa EAC waliokutana Dar es Salaam, Tanzania wiki moja iliyopita kujadili mgogoro wa Burundi, walipendekeza uchaguzi wa bunge na rais uahirishwe kwa siku 45 ili kutoa nafasi kwa hali ya mambo kutulia na wakimbizi kurudi nyumbani.
Aidha kitendo cha Rais Nkurunziza kutangaza kuwania urais kwa awamu ya tatu, ni kitendo kilichopingwa na watu wengi nchini humo na kusababisha mauaji ya watu wengi sana.
SHIRIKISHO la Mpira wa Miguu Tanzania (TFF), leo linatarajia kuzindua jezi mpya za timu ya Taifa Tanzania, ambazo zitakuwa zinatumika katika michuano mbalimbali huku kukiwa na hafla ya kuwatunuku wachezaji na klabu mbalimbali.
Sherehe hiyo itafanyika katika hoteli ya JB Belmonte iliyopo eneo la Posta jijini Dar es Salaam.
Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari jijini Dar es Salaam jana, Ofisa Habari wa TFF, Baraka Kizuguto alisema jezi hizo zitakuwa zinatumika katika michuano mbalimbali hususani ya kimataifa pamoja na mechi za kirafiki.
Alisema wao kama TFF wameamua kuwa na jezi aina mbalimbali kwani kila nchi inakuwa na jezi zaidi ya moja.
"Mara baada ya mtu tuliyempatia kazi kukamilisha zoezi la kubuni jinsi gani jezi ikae tumeona bora tuzitambulishe ili kila mtu aweze kuzijua jezi mpya za timu ya Taifa," alisema Kizuguto.
Pia alisema katika hafla hiyo, TFF itawatunukia vyeti viongozi mbalimbali waliotoa mchango katika mpira wa miguu.
Alisema pamoja na hilo pia wadhamini, wahamasishaji pamoja na wachezaji waliochezea Taifa Stars ikiwa ni maadhimisho ya miaka 50 tangu Tanzania kujiunga na Shirikisho la Mpira wa Miguu Duniani (FIFA).
Aliwataja baadhi yao kuwa ni Hayati baba wa Taifa Mwalimu Julius Nyerere na viongozi wote wa kitaifa walioshika nyadhifa za juu katika Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania na Serikali ya Mapinduzi ya Zanzibar.
Viongozi wengine watakaotunukiwa ni wenyeviti wote wa Shirikisho la Mpira wa Miguu Tanzania (FAT) pamoja na wa TFF huku makatibu wakuu nao wakipewa tuzo zao.
Waamuzi pamoja na wachezaji waliosaidia katika kuinua soka la Tanzania watapatiwa nishani zao na shirikisho hilo baada ya kuwa mstari wa mbele.
Alisema timu ya Taifa ya mwaka 1979-1980 iliyokwenda Nigeria kushiriki michuano ya Mataifa huru barani Afrika ambapo kwa sasa Mataifa ya Afrika watapatiwa nishani zao huku wakiongozwa na nahodha Leodgar Tenga na kocha mkuu akiwa Slomir Wolk akisaidiwa na Joel Bendera.
Viongozi wengine watakaopatiwa nishani hizo ni mawaziri wote waliopita katika Wizara ya Michezo tangu kujiunga na FIFA na viongozi wote wa baraza la michezo (BMT).
Nao Wakurugenzi wote wa michezo hawakuachwa nyuma baada ya kuonesha mchango wao katika michezo ili kuweza kuinua nchi yetu upande wa soka.
Wadhamini nao hawakusahaulika kwa jitihada zao za kuinua soka la nchi yetu baada ya kuzisaidia timu mbalimbali pamoja na timu ya Taifa katika upande wa udhamini na hicho ni kitu pekee cha kuwashukuru.
Katika kuwakumbuka watangazaji wa zamani, TFF itawatunukia nishani za utangazaji bora wa mpira katika kipindi chote huku wakiwa katika mstari wa mbele kuwahabarisha wananchi habari kuhusu mpira wa miguu.
Waandishi wa habari za michezo, wahamasishaji watapatiwa nishani zao kama wadau wa mpira wa miguu na kuipa hamasa timu ya Taifa.
Mabingwa wa ligi na viongozi wa klabu tangu ligi inaanza ambapo hapo awali kulikuwepo na ligi ya Muungano wote watapatiwa nishani zao.
Alimalizia kwa kusema kuwa viongozi wote walioshiriki katika ujenzi wa viwanja watapatiwa nishani zao kama washiriki wakuu wa kuinua soka hasa upande wa miundombinu.
Nikilimo kinacholimwa na wakulima wengi hapa tanzania na kuendelea kuwakwamua kiuchumi japo ELIMU imekua ni gumzo kwa wakulima hawa.
Nikilimo kinacholimwa na wakulima wengi hapa tanzania na kuendelea kuwakwamua kiuchumi japo ELIMU imekua ni gumzo kwa wakulima hawa.
katika kijiji cha MARASIBORA wilayani RORYA mkoa wa MARA mkulima mmoja haliyefahamka kwa jina la OSUNGA YOHANA.hamepata kubainisha hayo katika maongezi yake wakati hakitoa ELIMU juu ya kuweza kunufaika na zao hilo halipokua kijini kwake.Pia Babu OSUNGA hametumia fursa hiyo kiomba serekali kuweza kupanga mipambo iliyo bora ili kuboresha KILIMO CHA ZAO HILO.
BWANA. BONIPHACE YOHANA pamoja na BARAKA JOSEPHAT wakiwa shambani kwao katka operesheni ya kilimo ni MAISHA KWA WOTE.
1. Answer ALL questions in section A and
ANY TWO questions in section B.
2. This examination carries 50%.
3. Time: 3 Hours.
1. How do experienced teachers think
about effective teaching?
2. How do you know when effective
teaching is occurring in your classroom?
3. What types of diversity do you
anticipate encountering in the classroom in which you will be teaching?
4. How can student diversity be both an
assert and a challenge to your teaching?
5. What kind of experiences are you
finding most valuable in your teacher education programme in terms of learning
to teach.
6. Show how student diversity is
challengeable to our teachers in secondary school?
7. Mention four problems of using
cooperating teachers
8. Explain two challenges your
cooperating teacher faced during your observation.
9. List two strategies you can use in order
to manage a classroom.
10. What is contemporary view of learning
and teaching?
11. Discuss the importance of involving
students in teaching and learning.
12. Describe the challenges facing
Mathematics teachers in teaching Mathematics in our secondary schools.
13. Involving the learner in teaching
strategy is crucial for meaningful learning.
Discuss this statement by giving examples of teaching Mathematics in
14. Briefly explain why planning for
motivation is important?
15. Give the differences between direct
instruction and constructivism approaches.
1. Answer ALL questions in section A and
ANY TWO questions in section B.
2. This examination carries 20%.
3. TIME: 2 HRS.
1. Mention four characteristics of an
effective teacher.
2. List elements of a lesson plan.
3. Define the following terms:
a) Motivation
b) Student diversity
c) Constructivism
d) Direct instruction
4. Discuss the functions of teachers’
5. Compare and contrast between
constructivism and direct instruction.
6. Discuss the importance of classroom
7. Briefly explain why there is general
poor performance in mathematics in our secondary schools.
8. Why do you think it is important to
involve student in the learning process.
Iringa Municipality clears Puma over Ruaha River petrol station project.
Iringa Municipality clears Puma over Ruaha River petrol station project.
15th April 2015
This is Iringa town, the centre of the disputed environment project. Iringa regional authorities have allayed fears to the general public that construction of a petrol station near the Ruaha River wetlands at Ndiuka Ipogolo area in Iringa Municipality would have environmental effects. (File photo)
Giving the assurance on Monday, the Regional Commissioner (RC), Amina Masenza said that construction of the petrol station near the wetlands of Ruaha River will not have any environmental effects to the river and the people using its waters.
The RC, who was presenting the report on the implementation of the Big Results Now (BRN) from July, 2013 to February, 2015 said the regional leadership has reported that construction of the said petrol station was expected to start at Plot Number 30/1, Block "A" at Ndiuka Ipogolo area in the Municipality.
In addition, she said that the project has already been issued with a building permit from the municipality after the ( client) Puma Energy Tanzania Limited submitted an environmental assessment certificate to the same.
She said that after receiving the information, the regional leadership found it necessary to ensure higher security of the municipal residents because of the facility built on wetlands and its water was used by many people.
Stakeholders said that construction of the petrol station can be a source of traffic accidents because it is adjacent to the main road of Tanzam and the one that connects it to the municipal headquarters.
She said the action taken by the regional government was to write the Minister of State, Office of the Vice President - Environment, Dr Binillith Mahenge on 12/29/2014, to come and furnish clarity regarding the construction of the petrol station near the wetlands.
"The minister immediately sent the letter to the Director General of the National Environmental Council (NEMC), Eng BT Baya who arrived in the region to meet with the region and municipal leadership. Accompanied by his experts, the managing director of NEMC came to do a session with the leadership and where detailed information was provided on the process of issuing a certificate to allow construction of the filling station,” said the RC.
She said that after the description of the director general of NEMC on the conditions given to the investor (Puma Energy Tanzania Limited) to ensure the facility does not affect the environment, the regional leadership called a session of the project stakeholders to NEMC to clear doubts about the construction of the facility.
The session with the stakeholders held on March 13, 2015 and experts from NEMC together with Puma Energy Tanzania Limited management was assured that the investor had been issued with a certificate of environmental impact assessment, besides being given the conditions to ensure the safety of water and Ruaha river environment.
The stakeholders involved experts Defence and Security Committee of the region, leadership of the municipality, managers and experts from Tanroads, experts from Rufiji Basin, Water Authority in Iringa (Iruwasa), Director General NEMC experts and investor (Puma Energy Tanzania Limited).
At the meeting the stakeholders had the opportunity to question various aspects they were uncomfortable with it, especially Ruaha River water pollution and the fear of the possibility of accidents on the Tanzam highway.
About water pollution, the stakeholders were informed that considering the location of the facility to be in the area the wetlands of the Great Ruaha River, NEMC had ordered study be conducted to determine the trends of construction of the facility.
Hydrological research studies conducted by Dr Ibrahim Mjema from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), confirmed that there will be no water pollution of the river due to the trend of groundwater.
He said that the station is outside the area of the Tanzam road reserve and the other that road that climbs to Iringa town.
The regional leadership said it was satisfied with the project because it will not have any environmental effects to the river.
However, this is the second time that Iringa Municipality has entered into environmental conflict on the construction of structures near the river. The first time was when the municipal authority wanted to construct a regional bus stand near the water source at Igumbilo but was in 2012halted by NEMC together with
the Minister of State, Office of the Vice President - Environment, Dr Binillith Mahenge (MB) due environment effects the project would have on the Ruaha River.
Kapenguria motorists confront police officers over colleague’s ‘beating’
Kapenguria motorists confront police officers over colleague’s ‘beating’
Drama ensued at Kapenguria after furious taxi drivers and boda boda riders were at the brink of fighting with county askaris for allegedly harassing one of their own for no valid reason.
The tussle arose after a police reservist handcuffed a taxi driver inside his car claiming that he was roaming outside the allowed taxi park and later tossed him out of the vehicle kicking him on the head instead of taking him to the police station which was only twenty metres away.
This raised alarm and the crowd became agitated causing business in the Makutano township to come to a standstill.
Traders and taxi drivers then confronted the county askaris for allegedly siding with the Kenya Police Reservist (KPR) and manhandling them (drivers and traders) without any reason.
The crowd threatened to discipline the law enforcement officers but were calmed down by police officers from the Makutano police post.
The boda boda and the taxi drivers complained of incessant abuse by the county askaris without committing any fault and that it was high time the county government took charge of its security personnel who are demotivating the motorists from performing their duties.
The taxi driver who was beaten by the KPRs sustained injuries on the neck and hands.
A county law enforcement officer identified as Samwel Ngole accused the drivers of being rude and perennial county rules breakers.
Fedha zilizolipwa FIFA zazua balaa.
Fedha zilizolipwa FIFA zazua balaa.
Barua inayosemekana iliandikwa na rais wa shirikisho la soka nchini Afrika kusini, Danny Jordaan, inaonekana kuongeza uzito kwenye shutuma kwamba serikali ya nchi hiyo ilificha malipo ya pesa kiasi cha dola milioni kumi kwa FIFA .
Barua hiyo iliyoandikwa miaka kumi iliyopita iliyotumwa kwa katibu mkuu wa shirikisho hilo la soka duniani, Jerome Valcke imechapishwa kwenye vyombo vya habari bila idhini.
Inasema kuwa kufuatia mazungumzo na waziri wa mambo ya nje Bwana Jordaan aliomba pesa hizo zilipwe kwa njia zisizo za moja kwa moja.
Maafisa wa Afrika Kusini wamesisitiza kuwa pesa hizo hazikuwa za rushwa kwa ajili ya kupokea mashindano ya fainali ya kombe la dunia la mwaka 2010.
Wanasema yalikua ni malipo halali kuunga mkono maendeleo ya soka katika nchi za Caribbean.
Idadi ya waliofariki Ghana yafikia 175.
Idadi ya waliofariki Ghana yafikia 175.Takriban watu 175 wamefariki kufiakia sasa kufuatia moto uliotokea katika kituo kimoja cha mafuta katika mji mkuu wa Ghana Accra.
Moto huo uliozuka siku ya jumatano usiku ulianza wakati wakaazi wa mji huo walipokuwa wakikabiliana na siku mbili za mvua kubwa ambayo imewaacha raia wengi bila makaazi pamoja na stima.
Mafuriko hayo yaliathiri juhudi za uokozi na huenda yalisababisha moto kulingana na mwandishi wa BBC Sammy Darko mjini Accra.
Tarayi Ghana imetangaza siku tatu za maombolezo ya kitaifa kufuatia vifo hivyo.
Mlipuko huo ulitokea hapo jana wakati mamia ya watu walipokuwa wamejihifadhi katika kituo hicho cha mafuta kutokana na mvua kubwa zinazonyesha.
Rais wa Ghana,John Mahama amesema janga hilo halitajirudia tena.
Bwana Mahama amesema hayo wakati akizungumza na waandishi wa habari katika mji mkuu ,Accra alipotembelea eneo la tukio.
Kenya Accuses Norway of Supporting Group with Al-Shabaab Ties
Kenya Accuses Norway of Supporting Group with Al-Shabaab Ties
Kenya asks Norway to cut funding to the organization Haki Africa, which they believe pose a security risk for the country. Norway rejects accusations.Kenya’s Foreign Ministry asked recently Norway, the US and Britain to halt their financial support for the organization Haki Africa, writes NRK.
Kenyan authorities believe the organization poses a serious threat to Kenya’s security.
However, both Norway and the other two countries react fiercely to Kenyan government and declare that they will continue to support Haki Africa, who is based in the port of Mombasa.
- We will continue to support Haki because of the valuable contribution the group gives to human rights work in coastal areas, and for the work it does to counter violent extremism, said Norway’s ambassador to Kenya, Victor Rønneberg to NRK.
The ambassador calls the Kenyan government for showing proof that the organization is a threat to Kenya’s security. He also emphasizes that human rights organizations and governments are not adversaries, but allies in the fight against terrorism and violent extremism.
The head of Haki Africa, Hussein Khalid says to NRK that he was very surprised by the government’s reaction because the organization works to prevent radicalization of dissatisfied youth:
- We have always had a good working relationship. We train police officers and other government officials in human rights. We are working with vulnerable youths against terrorism. We are the link between them and the authorities.
Amnesty International also accuses the Kenyan government and suggest that the organization’s documentation of human right vialoations in Kenya is the reason of the government’s pressure on the organization.
The former Premier Edward Lowassa who is also the legislator for Monduli has picked up his nomination form for the country's top office, accompanied by at least thousand followers mostly in the party's attire which made the area look greenish
The former Premier Edward Lowassa who is also the legislator for Monduli has picked up his nomination form for the country's top office, accompanied by at least thousand followers mostly in the party's attire which made the area look greenish.
Lowassa was preceded by his counterpart of the third phase government Fredrick Sumaye, Vice President Dr Gharib Bilal, Ambassador Ali Karume and Amos Siyatemi, a varsity student from Mzumbe who also happened to be one of CCM head office officials.
Lowassa who seemed to be the most powerful figure among the aspirants, arrived at the CCM headquarters at around 16:09 hours had disclosed his stand, saying he is not intending to fail and that he is tired with gutter politics from his opponents and therefore he won't respond to any accusations.
Among those who accompanied him were former Attorney General and Legislator for Bariadi West, Andrew Chenge and other MPs who included Peter Selukamba, Beatrice Shelukindo, Makongoro Mahanga, Anna Abdallah,, Juma Kapuya, and Goodluck Ole Medeye. Other CCM Officials included Mgana Msindai, Khamis Mgeja, Onesmo Nangole and Mohamed Sinaye.
Earlier, Lowassa promised the workers at the CCM headquarters, saying when assumes the responsibilities of the president and that of the chairman for the party, he would make sure that all their concerns will be dealt accordingly.
For Dr Bilal, he sees it is the right time for providing the country with more development than ever: "This is my democratic right which I am exercising…I want to use it so as to bring more economic development changes to our nation, so I beg your support ."
Bilali's priority will include strengthening national unity through which the country will keep on being strong.
On his part, Sumaye promised to deal with public servants who are using public offices for their own benefit. He also noted that he will fight corruption by establishing special court for corruption.
He added: "Although I have positioned to work on what I have just said but the CCM manifesto is everything, I will make sure we implement it for the benefit of our people."
On the other hand, Magufuli said that for him party’s manifesto comes first while Ambassador Karume and Siyatemi will also fight corruption, fight for economic development by making sure the country's natural resources and the national cake are equally distributed to the people.
Minister for Transport Samuel Sitta, Minister for Livestock and Fisheries Development Titus Kamani and Prof Sospeter Muhongo are expected to pickup their nomination forms today.
Tuesday, June 2, 2015
Kikwete begins one-week visit to three European countries
Kikwete begins one-week visit to three European countries
PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete has begun a one-week official visit to three European countries at the invitation of leaders of those countries.
President Kikwete, who left the country on Sunday, started his visit in Finland, where he will stay for three days. Later, the president will go to Sweden and the Netherlands before returning home.
In Finland, Mr Kikwete, among other things, will hold talks with government officials of that country and later visit the parliament where he will hold talks with MPs.
Tanzania hosting Africa forum on electronic IDs
Tanzania hosting Africa forum on electronic IDs
2nd June 2015
National Identification Authority (NIDA)
The joint organisers of the historic three-day event are Tanzania’s National Identification Authority (NIDA), which is a wing of the Home Affairs ministry, the Asia Pacific Smart Card Association (APSCA) and the Identity Counsel International (ICI).
This inaugural forum will run under the theme: “How National eID can Support Social and Economic Development”.
The organisers describe it as an inaugural ID4Africa that will focus on digital identity and its applications for driving social and economic development in Africa.
It is also expected to serve as a comprehensive platform of exchange for identity authorities and users, international development agencies, solution providers, domain experts and a wide array of other industry stakeholders.
The forum will bring together government agencies charged with the issuance of electronic national identity cards, manage population registers, work with citizens’ electronic identities and facilitate the delivery of eGovernment services and benefits to the citizenry.
According to the organisers, members of the Biometrics Institute can enjoy a 10 per cent discount on registration while representatives of government agencies are invited to attend free of charge.
The institute is an independent organisation engaged in research, analysis and education for biometric users, vendors and government agencies in the Asia Pacific.
NIDA’s acting Director General Joseph Makani, told journalists in Dar es Salaam yesterday that at least 300 people have been invited to the forum as delegates.
He said the forum was of particular significance to Tanzania in that it stood to boost the country’s economy since electronic identities can help citizens more easily access loans from commercial banks and other financial institutions.
“We (Tanzania) feel honoured to be the first in Africa to host a forum of this kind. Indeed, it is being held at a most opportune time when we are busy registering prospective voters across the country under Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) modalities.
Tanzania is also issuing national IDs and input from the forum could easily be applied and therefore improve the process, said Makani.
He said delegates will share information and experience on the continent’s best practices with respect to regional harmonisation and other aspects of development.
The Head of NIDA’s Communication Unit, Thomas William, meanwhile said forum delegates will also have an opportunity to tour exhibitions organised on the sidelines of the main event.
“This will be an opportunity for Tanzanians to showcase their company brands, products and services,” he said.
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