VYETI ,VYETI, VYETI .....Vyeti vimeokotwa , vyeti vya FADHILI MASAWE MICHAEL kidato cha nne amemalizia shule ya secondary GG .SHULUA .iliyoko box 60138.Dar es salam,
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Saturday, April 16, 2016
Friday, April 15, 2016
YUSUFU- Mzo 39:9-11 “ Hakuna mkuu katika nyumba hii kuliko mimi, wala hakunizuilia kitu chochote ila wewe, kwa kuwa wewe u mkewe” Sheria ya Misri ya Mahusiano ya ndoa na sheria ya Mungu Kutoka 20:14 ‘Nifanyeje ubaya nimkose Mungu’
ESTER- Esta 4:16 “ Nitaingia kwa mfalme, Kinyume cha Sheria; nami nikiangamia, na niangamie” Sheria ya Wa-Amedi na Waajemi isiyobadilika”
Daniel- Dan 6:4-5, 8, 10, 16 : Sasa ee mfalme piga marufuku, ukatie sahihi maandiko haya, yasibadilike, kama ilivyo sheria ya Waamedi na Waajemi. Daniel akapiga magoti mara tatu kila siku, akasali, akashukuru mbele za Mungu wake, kama alivyokuwa akifanya tokea hapo.
Shadraka, meshaki abednego- Dan 3:16, Dan 3:18 “ Bali kama si hivyo, ujue Ee mfalme, ya kuwa sisi hatukubali kuitumikia miungu yako, wala kuisujudia hiyo sanamu ya dhahabu uliyoisimamisha.
Paul: Matendo 22:25- Je ni halali ninyi kumpiga mtu aliye mrumi naye hajahukumiwa bado? Sheria za Rumi
Yesu: Mathayo 10:17-20 “ Jihadharini na wanadamu; kwa maana watawapeleka mabarazani, na katika masinagogi yao watawapiga. Nanyi mtachukuliwa mbele ya maliwali na wafalme kwa ajili yangu, kuwa ushuhuda kwao na kwa mataifa, Msifikiri-fikiri jinsi ya kusema, mtapewa saa ile ile mtakavyosema kwa kuwa Roho atawaongoza kunena
Ambassador’s Congress 25th Dec 2010- Y.I. Juma
Kusaidia vijana wetu wa kanisa kujenga uimara wa imani yao kwa Mungu, Ujasiri wa mahusiano yao na Mungu katika hali zote za maisha, kazini, Biashara, Taasisi za elimu na mtandao mzima wa shughuli za maisha zinazoweza kuathiri mahusiano yao ya ki-imani na kuwalazimisha kufanya kazi/ Kusoma/ kufanya biashara au burudani na michezo isiyo na maadili siku ya sabato au kinyume cha imani yao kwa ujuzi wa kuielewa sheria ya nchi na sauti ya Mungu Math 22:21-22, Warumi 13:1-8, 1Petro 2:13-17
Kuwasaidia vijana wa kanisa kusimama imara katika imani kwa zamu yao bila tegemezi la mtu yoyote, awe mchungaji , mzazi au kanisa. Imani aliyoielewa aisimamie kwa dhati hata katikati ya moto. Daniel 3:16-18
1. Ni heri kumtii Mungu kuliko Mwanadamu- Matendo 5: 29
2. Jua haki ya Kikatiba na Sheria ya nchi ya kila raia katika swala zima la kuabudu na kushiriki shughuli za Ki-imani.
3. Jua wajibu wako katika kujihusisha na mambo ya imani na ibada
4. Jua nini cha kufanya haki yako ya ibada/imani inapokiukwa makusudi na mamlaka iliyo chini yako.
5. Jua hatua za kisheria na za-kinidhamu zitakazochukuliwa dhidi yako kwa kukiuka wajibu wako katika maswala ya imani.
‘Kila mtu anastahili kuwa na uhuru wa mawazo, imani na uchunguzi katika mambo ya dini’ Uhuru wa mtu kuamini dini atakayo: sheria ya 1984 Number 15, ib. 6[1]
Bila ya kuathiri sheria zinazohusika za Jamhuri ya Muungano, kazi ya kutangaza dini, kufanya ibada na kueneza dini itakuwa ni huru na jambo la hiari ya mtu binafsi; na shughuli na uendeshaji wa jumuiya za dini zitakuwa nje ya shughuli za Mamlaka ya nchi. Uhuru wa mtu kuamini dini atakayo: sheria ya 1984 Number 15, ib. 6
Kila palipotajwa neno “ dini” katika ibara hii ifahamike kwamba maana yake ni pamoja na madhebu ya dini, na maneno mengineyo yanayofanana au kuambatana na neno hilo nayo yatatafsiriwa kwa maana hiyo. Uhuru wa mtu kuamini dini atakayo: sheria ya 1984 Number 15, ib. 6
Kila raia anayo haki na uhuru wa kushiriki kwa ukamilifu katika kufikia uamuzi juu ya mambo yanayomhusu yeye, maisha yake au yanayohusu Taifa. Uhuru wa Kushiriki shughuli za umma: sheria ya 1984 Number 15, ib. 6
Wajibu huu ni kwa mujibu wa katiba kipengele cha “ Wajibu wa kutii Sheria za nchi:
Sheria ya 1984 Na. 15, ib. 6
Ni wajibu wa kisheria na agizo la Mungu vijana kufanya kazi halali za mapato au za jamii bila kuvunja sheria ya nchi na Sheria ya Mungu.
Ni wajibu wa Kisheria na agizo la Mungu kutii sheria halali za nchi bila kumkosea Mungu.
Ni wajibu wa Kisheria kulinda mali za umma na kuepuka hali zote za machafuko na kualifu amani ya jamii kwa nia ya kuhujumu mali za umma unazozitumia.
Ni wajibu wa Kisheria kulinda na kusimamia ulinzi na usalama wa raia katika mambo yote, likiwapo swala la ibada.
Katiba ya Tucasa hii hapa.
Tucasa constitution
Article I
WHEREAS WE, The Seventh-day Adventist students from different Universities and Colleges in Tanzania, have firmly and solemnly need to organize, promote and liaise with the church to bring spiritual growth to the Adventist students;
AND WHEREAS, with recognition of the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mission and Vision of the Church and the Mission of Jesus Christ Our Savior, thereby we like to ensure that all Adventist students are well adhering to the fundamental beliefs of the church namely, The Bible, The Spirit of Prophecy and the Church Manual;
NOW, THEREFORE, THIS CONSTITUTION IS ENACTED BY THE TUCASA TANZANIA UNION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WITH LIASON OF THE SPECIAL CONSTITUTINAL COMMITTEE from all zones on behalf of the students for the purpose of ensuring the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are adhered to.
Article II
1. This Constitution may be cited as the Constitution of TANZANIA UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ADVENTIST STUDENTS ASSOCIATION OF 2013
2. This Constitution shall apply to all levels of TUCASA.
Article III
1. Sabbath, this is the Seventh-Day of the week (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset), in which God rested. God blessed the Sabbath and set it apart for rest and worship for humanity according to Gen 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11, 31:12-13, Deutoronomy5:12-15; amongst others in which we remember our creation, redemption and sanctification.
2. Nominating Committee, This is the Committee which is mandated by TUCASA members to nominate officers who will serve in the Executive Committee of TUCASA
3. Faithful and Active member, this is an individual who attends meetings and church services regularly and adheres to the beliefs and values of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and also participate fully in all affairs of TUCASA and subscribes faithfully to the membership fee and adheres to the values of the Association.
4. Tanzania Union Mission, this is abbreviated as TUM. This is the 3rd level of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the world and the Head Quarters in Tanzanian Territory and comprises of Conferences and Fields.
5. Conference, this is a second level of the Seventh-day Adventist church in the world and the third level in the Association.
6. Field, this is a territory of work which comprises of a number of districts. It is not independent and it depends on higher levels.
7. TUCASA Executive Committee, this is the committee consisting of TUCASA leaders according to the respective level of the Association and shall serve as the standing committee..
8. Spiritual Care Giver, this is the church member who is appointed by the local church engaged in volunteer ministries in the campuses. Whenever possible there may be a guardian who shall be a staff member from the campus.
9. Chaplain, a chaplain is a pastor with a specialized preparation who is called and qualified to minister in specific institutional or organization setting.
10. General Assembly, this is the meeting held by all TUCASA members in Tanzania, Youth and Chaplaincy ministries Director or Education Ministry Director and all conference Youth and ChaplaincyMinistries Departmental Director and/or Education ministry Departmental Director and it shall meet at least once a year.
11. Regular Standing member, this refers to a baptized Seventh-day Adventist person who adheres to and upholds all the Commandments of GOD and the principles and values of the Seventh day Adventist church.
12. Campus Ministries Director, this is an individual from the TUM or Conference whose main designation is to advise, support and facilitate nurture to all members and adherents of TUCASA.
13. Associate Member, an individual who was a recognized TUCASA member but has graduated and currently not in university/college but still likes to participate in TUCASA programs. He/She shall not participate in any decision making or elections of the TUCASA.
14. Church Manual, this is the church guidelines, rules, directives, and orders compiled to guide the church members and leadersin performing various spiritual functions and duties.
15. Youth Director, this is an officer elected by the church to take control over youth ministry of the church.
16. Education Director, this is an officer elected by the church to take control over education ministry of the church.
17. Local Church, Means the Seventh Day Adventist Church including the affiliating church.
18. Internal Auditor, this is the person elected within the leaders of the association in the respective level to audit and control finances of the association
19. External Auditor, this is an individual person other than the Internal Auditor works with the church and is charged with the functions of the controlling finances of the association.
20. Constitution, means the Constitution of Tanzania Universities and College Adventist Students Association.
Article IV
1. It is hereby established an association to be known as the Tanzania Universities and College Adventist Students Association hereinafter referred to as TUCASA
2. The Official name of the Association shall be TANZANIA UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ADVENTIST STUDENTS ASSOCIATION of/at................(Name of the Institution/Branch).
Article V
1. It is a religious Association
2. The Association is formed by the Seventh-dayAdventist Students in Universities and Colleges all over Tanzania.
3. It is under SDA Church Youth, Education and Chaplaincy Ministries.
4. The headquarters shall be situated where the TUM of Seventh Day Adventist Church is situated.
Article VI
To facilitate the proclamation of the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as embodied in the Three Angels Message of Revelation 14:6-12, as reflected in the mission statement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to all College and University students.
Article VII
TUCASA members will grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ in harmony with the great prophecies of the Scriptures.
Article VIII
TUCASA shall administratively and operationally relate to;
1. Local Seventh-Day Adventist churches
2. Local Conference departments ministering to students
3. TUM departments ministering to students
4. All other higher levels of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church as stipulated in the Church Manual.
Article IX
1. To foster the intellectual and spiritual growth in University and College.
2. To promote evangelism in colleges and campuses and their neighborhood with the aim of winning more souls for Christ.
3. To develop student leadership skills.
4. To develop and increase the ability and confidence of the members in public preaching and witnessing.
5. To promote the involvement of Adventist Students from secular campuses in missionary and outreach programs through spiritual, monetary and material means at the disposal of the members.
6. To promote and defend religious liberty and help to deal with challenges within secular institutions and to help each other in bearing burdens and tackling other communal problems.
7. To create awareness, promote and encourage Seventh Day Adventist life style among members on campuses.
8. To equip our students with biblical principles that will help them face the challenges of the busy world, the post-academic life and to be of service to the church.
Article X
10.1The members of the Association shall be all Seventh-dayAdventist Students in
universities and colleges in Tanzania.
10.2 Membership shall hold upon payment of annual membership fee as determined and approved in General Assembly and set forth in the By-Laws.
10.3 Members shall support the activities of the Association through donations and annual subscriptions; the rate of subscription shall be set from time to time as approved and deemed necessary by the General Assembly.
10.4 There shall be no discrimination in membership privileges based on creed, race or gender in this Association.
10.5 Upon graduation, certificates of membership and leadership shall be awarded to all graduating faithful and active members. Members without such recommendations shall by no means be awarded.
Article XI
(a) A branch is referred to as an individual College/ University campus or any other higher learning institution that has students who are members of TUCASA.
(b) Each branch will be called according to the name of the College/University campus it belongs but abbreviations will be determined by the local branch itself.
(c) The branch has to submit to the TUCASA Zonal Executive Committee, reports about any changes in names or their administrative structures.
(d) Each branch has a full mandate in various ways of operation and fulfilling TUCASA objectives without jeopardizing Church values and TUCASA constitution.
(e) A branch shall execute all special/common programs as arranged from zonal or Union level and reports to be sent to such levels.
(f) The need for inauguration/registration of new branch(es) shall be communicated to zonal/sub zonal leaders or Conference leaders for official recognition any time as need arises.
(a) A Zone is referred as the combination of more than two branches as designated by the conference in question and Approved by the TUCASA Conference Executive Committee.
(b) The zone names shall be determined by the zone itself, the proposed name shall be operative only after being approved by the TUCASA Conference Executive Committee.
(c) Each Zone has a full mandate in various ways of operation and fulfilling TUCASA objectives without jeopardizing Church values and TUCASA constitution.
(d) A Zone shall execute all programs as arranged from Conference level and reports to be sent to such level
(e) A zone shall not be extended to more than one conference/ field as regards to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church levels.
(a) TUCASA Conference shall compose of one or more zones that extend to the jurisdiction of a “Conference” as defined by the church Manual.
(b) It shall be composed of TUCASA Conference Executive Committee
(c) Each TUCASA Conference has a full mandate in various ways of operation and fulfilling TUCASA objectives without jeopardizing Church values and TUCASA constitution.
(d) TUCASAConference shall execute all special/common programs as arranged from Union level and reports to be sent to such level
(a) TUCASA Union shall be the final level of TUCASA structure
(b) It may extend its power to the subordinate if it has the ground to believe or/and make them believe that the power as provided by the constitution or any resolution from Union is not conformed
Article XII
1. TUCASA official/leader is a person elected by the Nominating Committee
2. TUCASALeadership shall consist of at least the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer and the Communication Coordinator. Other positions can be added as need arises.
3. All TUCASA officials shall work according to the constitution and By-Laws of the Association and have to promote the principles and objectives of the Association
Article XIII
1. For a member to be nominated for an office in the TUCASA structure, he/she must be a baptizedSeventh-day Adventist in regular standing and be active member in the campus structure.
2. The TUCASA Tanzania Union Elections of leaders shall occur during the annual local retreat or as arranged by the TUCASA Union Executive Committee and the term of office shall last for one year.
3. TUCASA Conference elections of leaders shall occur during the annual local Retreat or as arranged by the TUCASA Conference Executive Committee and the term of the office shall apply mutatis mutandis to the TUCASA Union
4. The zonal/ Sub zonal leaders shall be elected within 1 month after TUCASA TU election is done and will hold office for one year.
5. The branch leaders shall be elected within 1 month after zonal/sub zonal election is done and they will hold office for one year.
6. Election procedures shall follow the church manual.
7. A nominating committee shall be appointed to suggest, study names and present these to the members for voting. The nominating committee can be chosen by direct nomination from the floor or through a large committee. In the election of leaders, ballots shall be secret. The Youth Ministries and Chaplaincy Director/Campus Ministries Director or his designee shall preside in the election of new leaders. Elections will be with active members present and election will be by a simple majority of the members present. Written confirmation of one’s membership to the SDA church should be sought before one can be nominated for an office.
Article XIII
1. The Executive committee of TUCASA shall consist of Youth and ChaplaincyMinistries Director / Education Ministry Director, andTUCASA Union leaders (Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson,Secretary, Deputy secretary, Treasurer, Deputy treasurer and the Communication Coordinator.)
2. The TUCASA Union Executive Committee will meet at least once a quarter or whenever there isa need as deemed by the chairperson and chaplain.
1. In order for a member to be nominated for an office in TUCASA structure, he/she must be a baptized Seventh-day Adventist in regular standing and be an active member in the campus structure.
2. Elections will be conducted with active members present and will be by a simple majority vote of the members present. Written confirmation of one’s membership to a local SDA church should be sought before one can be nominated for an office. No leader shall be elected without ascertainment of his/her membership belongs
3. Any TUCASA Union leader may resign when such resignation is made in writing and submitted to TUM Youth, Chaplaincy and or Education Ministries Director. Other leaders may resign when such resignation is made in writing and submitted to the next level of TUCASA structure.
4. When a vacancy occurs, a replacement shall be recommended by the TUCASA Executive Committeeof the appropriate level and appointed by a simple majority of the active members present in a duly called meeting.
Article XV
15.1 The Chairperson
(a) Shall convene and chair the TUCASA Executive Committee and the general meeting according to the respective level of the Association.
(b) Shall lead in worship and fellowship gatherings.
(c) Shall be the spokesperson of the Association.
(d) Shall be a signatory of all TUCASA documents.
(e) Shall be one of the signatories of TUCASA account(s)
(f) Shall be the head of all duties of the association
(g) Shall give a report and plans of his/her office at least twice a year to the TUCASA Executive Committee and give the annual report to the general meeting of the respective level of the Association.
(h) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.2 The Deputy Chairperson
(a) The Deputy Chairperson works hand in hand with the Chairperson and shall execute responsibilities along with the Chairperson.
(b) In the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson assumes the full responsibilities of the Chairperson
(c) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.3 The Secretary
(a) Shall call all TUCASA general and Executive Committee meetings of the Association in liaison with the chairperson.
(b) Shall keep the minutes of both the executive and the general meetings.
(c) Shall keep record of every member of the Association.
(d) Shall handle all the necessary correspondent duties and be a custodian of the records of TUCASA
(e) Shall submit the report of his/her office to the Chairperson quarterly and prepare an annual secretarial report of the Association to the general meeting.
(f) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.4 The Deputy Secretary
(a) The Deputy Secretary works hand in hand with the Secretary and shall execute responsibilities along with the Secretary.
(b) In the absence of the secretary, the Deputy Secretary assumes the full responsibilities of the Secretary.
(c) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.5 The Treasurer
(a) Shall keep a meticulous record of all finances of the Association.
(b) Shall be responsible for all financial affairs of all TUCASA projects including creating sound project proposals to raise funds for the Association.
(c) Shall disburse tithes and offerings of all TUCASA projects to the local Church or Conference.
(d) Shall be a signatory to the TUCASA account(s).
(e) Shall submit annual financial report of the Association to the General Assembly.
(f) Shall surrender his/her documents for auditing purposes whenever deemed necessary.
(g) Shall remit the subscription percentage to the next level as stipulated by the TUCASA financial policy
(h) Shall submit tithes, directed moneys from the gatherings and keep the loose moneys for the Association.
(i) Shall keep the offerings received during TUCASA gatherings for TUCASA use.
(j) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association
15.6 The Deputy Treasurer
(a) The Deputy Treasurer works hand in hand with the treasurer and shall execute responsibilities along with the Treasurer.
(b) In the absence of the Treasurer, the Deputy Treasurer assumes the full responsibilities of the Treasurer.
(c) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.7 The Communication Coordinator
(a) He/she shall supervise, activate and administrate the organization’s Website, Electronic mail address (E- mail) and all information and communication access pertaining to the Association as per Church guidelines
(b) He/she shall be the central communication organizer of the association’s activities as instructed by the TUCASA Executive Committee in the appropriate level.
(c) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
(d) Tanzania Union Communication Coordinator shall coordinate all the electronic information around the Union as per the rules and guidelines established by this constitution and the church manual.
(e) He may in the consultation with the Executive Committee of TUCASA Tanzania Union have power to make, amend any rules or guidelines pertaining to information communication.
15.8 The Internal Auditor
(a) Shall audit all accounts and financial documents/records of the Association quarterly.
(b) The treasurer of the Association may be called for and audited atany time by the TUCASA Internal Auditor of the respective level.
(c) Shall report to the executive committee in the respective level of the association.
Article XVI
Regulations and By- Laws
In order to ensure smooth operations of the Association, the Association may make Regulations and By Laws in conformity with this Constitution.
Article XVII
1. TUCASA shall meet for worship every Friday evening, Sabbath and on any other day as determined by the local campus members.
2. The general Assembly may meet at least once in a term to determine TUCASA matters.
Article XVIII
Where this constitution is silent, the current edition of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual and policies of the Church shall apply.
Article XIX
Any leader/officer who does not perform his duties as outlined by the constitution may be impeached by 2/3 majority vote of the members. Such impeachment shall be carried out after the Association has been convinced that the said leader has not satisfactorily performed his/her duties as outlined in Article 2 above and despite the three-time warnings given for possible correction.
(Made under Article 16 of the Constitution)
1.1 Finances will be raised through membership subscription fees, projects, grants,churchbudget, offerings and or voluntary contributions.
1.2 All finances shall be dispensed as prescribed by annual budget and approved by the TUCASA Executive Committee in consultation with the general assembly.
1.3 All finances of the Association shall be processed and audited according to the Seventh-day Adventist Church principles and practices
1.4 All finances of the TUCASA Conference, Zone and branchshall be kept in the Association’s Bank Account. But in the absence of the association bank account all finance shall kept the in church bank account of their choice passed by a special resolution of the executive committee and approved by the general assembly.
A zone shall be organized where the following criteria have been met.
2.1 Geographical coverage:An area that is reachable and convenient for spiritual and administrative purpose within the conference or field of specification.
2.2 Spiritual maturity: Branches within the zone shall be spiritually active, growing and evangelistic as demonstrated by branch participation in worship and evangelistic meetings, as well as zonal organized meeting, retreats or any prepared congregation.
2.3 Self supporting: The area should be a self supporting both in human resource and finance as demonstrated by branches and strong leadership and remittance of annual subscription.
2.4 Having more than one active branch.
Sub-committees shall be appointed by the TUCASA Executive Committee of the respective level as deemed necessary.
3.1 A quorum shall be mandatory for the constitution adaption, alteration or amendment and election of leaders.
3.2 A quorum for article 2 (7)1 shall be 2/3 of the active members present.
3.3 The TUCASA Executive Committee quorum shall consist1/2 of the members.
4.1 This constitution and its By-Laws may be amended by 2/3 majority of the members present in the General Assembly convened annually.
4.2 Amendments of this constitution can only be done at a duly called Student Convention convened by TUCASA TANZANIA UNION, taking into consideration the number of the institutions presents at the conference. Anything contrary to the provisions of this constitution is null and void.
4.3 When the need arises, the Executive Committee may amend the constitution and the amendment shall be fully endorsed at the next General Assembly.
4.4 The resolutions shall not be subjected to change except when rejected by 2/3 of General Assembly members and the approval of the TUM Executive Committee.
4.5 If any need arises and a member sees a possibility of amendments to the constitution, he/she shall apply for vote from zone that he/she belongs and before saving the amendment in the TU general Assembly.
(a) Relationship between the THISDASO (TUCASA) structure and the church:
(a) The Tanzania Union Chaplaincy, Campus Ministries and Education department; recognizes and respects the Association and several layers of Administration of the Seventh - day Adventist church as stipulated in the Current Church working policy
(b) We therefore wish to encourage all TUCASA structures to adhere to the policy of the church by respecting the several level of administration in the Adventist church.
(c) The local church is the first layer of administration, as such all officers of the church including the local church Pastors, must be given their due respect and recognition by we students.
(d) We recognize that without the Pastor and the Local church, our work will be a disheartening task.
(e) Service requests for guest speakers when running special or regular meetings should be channeled through the church structure. No speaker should be invited without the endorsement of the chaplain, local Pastor/Conference director/TUM Chaplaincy and Youth Ministries Director/ Education Director. This is necessary to avoid using speakers that are not recognized and recommended by the church due to valid reasons.
(f) We recognize that our understanding of God’s truth as revealed to the church is progressive, but wish to warn ourselves against following the proponents of the NEW LIGHT theology. All theological interpretations of the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy should be done under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Church Doctrines (28 Fundamental Beliefs), the local church and the church Pastor/Chaplain.
(g) The TUCASA structure in consultation with the TUM/Conference/Field/ Campus Ministries Director will approach any local church that will be able to foster the spiritual growth of the students.
(h) The local church will be responsible for the following among others:
(a) Provide a mutually beneficial relationship between the campus and the church.
(b) In consultation with the Pastor/church elder or Chaplain/conference director or TU director; students will be assisted when they face Sabbath or faith related challenges.
(c) Provide among others Lord’s Supper, baptism service and others requested service by TUCASA in the appropriate time and level.
(d) Sub zonal structure
(a) Sub zonal structures will be formed in an area where two or more regions/ institutions are in close proximity.
(b) Representatives (not less than two and not more than five) from member campus structures will constitute a nominating committee where the sub zonal leaders will be appointed.
(c) The zone executive committee shall supervise and administer the election of sub-zone leaders.
(d) The procedure and qualifications required for election in the campus/branch structure shall also apply in the sub zonal structure.
(e) The sub zonal leaders shall be determined by zone executive committee depending on the need on the respective zone towards such succession or division.
(f) Other sub- zonal leadership positions/committees may be formed as deemed necessary as per a particular sub zonal requirement and its responsibilities must be clearly stated.
(g) The leaders shall do their job as prescribed under article 2.1-2.6of the By-Laws above.
(h) The main function of the sub zonal structure will be that of coordinating the activities amongmember on sub zonal level.
(i) All sub- zonal reports shall be sent every 3 months (quarterly) to the zone responsible.
(j) The sub zonal Structure does not have the right to run the programs and activities of the local campus structures unless consent expressly provided.
Katiba ya Tucasa hii hapa.
Tucasa constitution
Article I
WHEREAS WE, The Seventh-day Adventist students from different Universities and Colleges in Tanzania, have firmly and solemnly need to organize, promote and liaise with the church to bring spiritual growth to the Adventist students;
AND WHEREAS, with recognition of the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Mission and Vision of the Church and the Mission of Jesus Christ Our Savior, thereby we like to ensure that all Adventist students are well adhering to the fundamental beliefs of the church namely, The Bible, The Spirit of Prophecy and the Church Manual;
NOW, THEREFORE, THIS CONSTITUTION IS ENACTED BY THE TUCASA TANZANIA UNION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE WITH LIASON OF THE SPECIAL CONSTITUTINAL COMMITTEE from all zones on behalf of the students for the purpose of ensuring the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church are adhered to.
Article II
1. This Constitution may be cited as the Constitution of TANZANIA UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ADVENTIST STUDENTS ASSOCIATION OF 2013
2. This Constitution shall apply to all levels of TUCASA.
Article III
1. Sabbath, this is the Seventh-Day of the week (from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset), in which God rested. God blessed the Sabbath and set it apart for rest and worship for humanity according to Gen 2:1-3, Exodus 20:8-11, 31:12-13, Deutoronomy5:12-15; amongst others in which we remember our creation, redemption and sanctification.
2. Nominating Committee, This is the Committee which is mandated by TUCASA members to nominate officers who will serve in the Executive Committee of TUCASA
3. Faithful and Active member, this is an individual who attends meetings and church services regularly and adheres to the beliefs and values of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and also participate fully in all affairs of TUCASA and subscribes faithfully to the membership fee and adheres to the values of the Association.
4. Tanzania Union Mission, this is abbreviated as TUM. This is the 3rd level of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the world and the Head Quarters in Tanzanian Territory and comprises of Conferences and Fields.
5. Conference, this is a second level of the Seventh-day Adventist church in the world and the third level in the Association.
6. Field, this is a territory of work which comprises of a number of districts. It is not independent and it depends on higher levels.
7. TUCASA Executive Committee, this is the committee consisting of TUCASA leaders according to the respective level of the Association and shall serve as the standing committee..
8. Spiritual Care Giver, this is the church member who is appointed by the local church engaged in volunteer ministries in the campuses. Whenever possible there may be a guardian who shall be a staff member from the campus.
9. Chaplain, a chaplain is a pastor with a specialized preparation who is called and qualified to minister in specific institutional or organization setting.
10. General Assembly, this is the meeting held by all TUCASA members in Tanzania, Youth and Chaplaincy ministries Director or Education Ministry Director and all conference Youth and ChaplaincyMinistries Departmental Director and/or Education ministry Departmental Director and it shall meet at least once a year.
11. Regular Standing member, this refers to a baptized Seventh-day Adventist person who adheres to and upholds all the Commandments of GOD and the principles and values of the Seventh day Adventist church.
12. Campus Ministries Director, this is an individual from the TUM or Conference whose main designation is to advise, support and facilitate nurture to all members and adherents of TUCASA.
13. Associate Member, an individual who was a recognized TUCASA member but has graduated and currently not in university/college but still likes to participate in TUCASA programs. He/She shall not participate in any decision making or elections of the TUCASA.
14. Church Manual, this is the church guidelines, rules, directives, and orders compiled to guide the church members and leadersin performing various spiritual functions and duties.
15. Youth Director, this is an officer elected by the church to take control over youth ministry of the church.
16. Education Director, this is an officer elected by the church to take control over education ministry of the church.
17. Local Church, Means the Seventh Day Adventist Church including the affiliating church.
18. Internal Auditor, this is the person elected within the leaders of the association in the respective level to audit and control finances of the association
19. External Auditor, this is an individual person other than the Internal Auditor works with the church and is charged with the functions of the controlling finances of the association.
20. Constitution, means the Constitution of Tanzania Universities and College Adventist Students Association.
Article IV
1. It is hereby established an association to be known as the Tanzania Universities and College Adventist Students Association hereinafter referred to as TUCASA
2. The Official name of the Association shall be TANZANIA UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES ADVENTIST STUDENTS ASSOCIATION of/at................(Name of the Institution/Branch).
Article V
1. It is a religious Association
2. The Association is formed by the Seventh-dayAdventist Students in Universities and Colleges all over Tanzania.
3. It is under SDA Church Youth, Education and Chaplaincy Ministries.
4. The headquarters shall be situated where the TUM of Seventh Day Adventist Church is situated.
Article VI
To facilitate the proclamation of the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as embodied in the Three Angels Message of Revelation 14:6-12, as reflected in the mission statement of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, to all College and University students.
Article VII
TUCASA members will grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ in harmony with the great prophecies of the Scriptures.
Article VIII
TUCASA shall administratively and operationally relate to;
1. Local Seventh-Day Adventist churches
2. Local Conference departments ministering to students
3. TUM departments ministering to students
4. All other higher levels of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church as stipulated in the Church Manual.
Article IX
1. To foster the intellectual and spiritual growth in University and College.
2. To promote evangelism in colleges and campuses and their neighborhood with the aim of winning more souls for Christ.
3. To develop student leadership skills.
4. To develop and increase the ability and confidence of the members in public preaching and witnessing.
5. To promote the involvement of Adventist Students from secular campuses in missionary and outreach programs through spiritual, monetary and material means at the disposal of the members.
6. To promote and defend religious liberty and help to deal with challenges within secular institutions and to help each other in bearing burdens and tackling other communal problems.
7. To create awareness, promote and encourage Seventh Day Adventist life style among members on campuses.
8. To equip our students with biblical principles that will help them face the challenges of the busy world, the post-academic life and to be of service to the church.
Article X
10.1The members of the Association shall be all Seventh-dayAdventist Students in
universities and colleges in Tanzania.
10.2 Membership shall hold upon payment of annual membership fee as determined and approved in General Assembly and set forth in the By-Laws.
10.3 Members shall support the activities of the Association through donations and annual subscriptions; the rate of subscription shall be set from time to time as approved and deemed necessary by the General Assembly.
10.4 There shall be no discrimination in membership privileges based on creed, race or gender in this Association.
10.5 Upon graduation, certificates of membership and leadership shall be awarded to all graduating faithful and active members. Members without such recommendations shall by no means be awarded.
Article XI
(a) A branch is referred to as an individual College/ University campus or any other higher learning institution that has students who are members of TUCASA.
(b) Each branch will be called according to the name of the College/University campus it belongs but abbreviations will be determined by the local branch itself.
(c) The branch has to submit to the TUCASA Zonal Executive Committee, reports about any changes in names or their administrative structures.
(d) Each branch has a full mandate in various ways of operation and fulfilling TUCASA objectives without jeopardizing Church values and TUCASA constitution.
(e) A branch shall execute all special/common programs as arranged from zonal or Union level and reports to be sent to such levels.
(f) The need for inauguration/registration of new branch(es) shall be communicated to zonal/sub zonal leaders or Conference leaders for official recognition any time as need arises.
(a) A Zone is referred as the combination of more than two branches as designated by the conference in question and Approved by the TUCASA Conference Executive Committee.
(b) The zone names shall be determined by the zone itself, the proposed name shall be operative only after being approved by the TUCASA Conference Executive Committee.
(c) Each Zone has a full mandate in various ways of operation and fulfilling TUCASA objectives without jeopardizing Church values and TUCASA constitution.
(d) A Zone shall execute all programs as arranged from Conference level and reports to be sent to such level
(e) A zone shall not be extended to more than one conference/ field as regards to the Seventh-Day Adventist Church levels.
(a) TUCASA Conference shall compose of one or more zones that extend to the jurisdiction of a “Conference” as defined by the church Manual.
(b) It shall be composed of TUCASA Conference Executive Committee
(c) Each TUCASA Conference has a full mandate in various ways of operation and fulfilling TUCASA objectives without jeopardizing Church values and TUCASA constitution.
(d) TUCASAConference shall execute all special/common programs as arranged from Union level and reports to be sent to such level
(a) TUCASA Union shall be the final level of TUCASA structure
(b) It may extend its power to the subordinate if it has the ground to believe or/and make them believe that the power as provided by the constitution or any resolution from Union is not conformed
Article XII
1. TUCASA official/leader is a person elected by the Nominating Committee
2. TUCASALeadership shall consist of at least the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson, Secretary, the Deputy Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer and the Communication Coordinator. Other positions can be added as need arises.
3. All TUCASA officials shall work according to the constitution and By-Laws of the Association and have to promote the principles and objectives of the Association
Article XIII
1. For a member to be nominated for an office in the TUCASA structure, he/she must be a baptizedSeventh-day Adventist in regular standing and be active member in the campus structure.
2. The TUCASA Tanzania Union Elections of leaders shall occur during the annual local retreat or as arranged by the TUCASA Union Executive Committee and the term of office shall last for one year.
3. TUCASA Conference elections of leaders shall occur during the annual local Retreat or as arranged by the TUCASA Conference Executive Committee and the term of the office shall apply mutatis mutandis to the TUCASA Union
4. The zonal/ Sub zonal leaders shall be elected within 1 month after TUCASA TU election is done and will hold office for one year.
5. The branch leaders shall be elected within 1 month after zonal/sub zonal election is done and they will hold office for one year.
6. Election procedures shall follow the church manual.
7. A nominating committee shall be appointed to suggest, study names and present these to the members for voting. The nominating committee can be chosen by direct nomination from the floor or through a large committee. In the election of leaders, ballots shall be secret. The Youth Ministries and Chaplaincy Director/Campus Ministries Director or his designee shall preside in the election of new leaders. Elections will be with active members present and election will be by a simple majority of the members present. Written confirmation of one’s membership to the SDA church should be sought before one can be nominated for an office.
Article XIII
1. The Executive committee of TUCASA shall consist of Youth and ChaplaincyMinistries Director / Education Ministry Director, andTUCASA Union leaders (Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson,Secretary, Deputy secretary, Treasurer, Deputy treasurer and the Communication Coordinator.)
2. The TUCASA Union Executive Committee will meet at least once a quarter or whenever there isa need as deemed by the chairperson and chaplain.
1. In order for a member to be nominated for an office in TUCASA structure, he/she must be a baptized Seventh-day Adventist in regular standing and be an active member in the campus structure.
2. Elections will be conducted with active members present and will be by a simple majority vote of the members present. Written confirmation of one’s membership to a local SDA church should be sought before one can be nominated for an office. No leader shall be elected without ascertainment of his/her membership belongs
3. Any TUCASA Union leader may resign when such resignation is made in writing and submitted to TUM Youth, Chaplaincy and or Education Ministries Director. Other leaders may resign when such resignation is made in writing and submitted to the next level of TUCASA structure.
4. When a vacancy occurs, a replacement shall be recommended by the TUCASA Executive Committeeof the appropriate level and appointed by a simple majority of the active members present in a duly called meeting.
Article XV
15.1 The Chairperson
(a) Shall convene and chair the TUCASA Executive Committee and the general meeting according to the respective level of the Association.
(b) Shall lead in worship and fellowship gatherings.
(c) Shall be the spokesperson of the Association.
(d) Shall be a signatory of all TUCASA documents.
(e) Shall be one of the signatories of TUCASA account(s)
(f) Shall be the head of all duties of the association
(g) Shall give a report and plans of his/her office at least twice a year to the TUCASA Executive Committee and give the annual report to the general meeting of the respective level of the Association.
(h) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.2 The Deputy Chairperson
(a) The Deputy Chairperson works hand in hand with the Chairperson and shall execute responsibilities along with the Chairperson.
(b) In the absence of the Chairperson, the Deputy Chairperson assumes the full responsibilities of the Chairperson
(c) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.3 The Secretary
(a) Shall call all TUCASA general and Executive Committee meetings of the Association in liaison with the chairperson.
(b) Shall keep the minutes of both the executive and the general meetings.
(c) Shall keep record of every member of the Association.
(d) Shall handle all the necessary correspondent duties and be a custodian of the records of TUCASA
(e) Shall submit the report of his/her office to the Chairperson quarterly and prepare an annual secretarial report of the Association to the general meeting.
(f) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.4 The Deputy Secretary
(a) The Deputy Secretary works hand in hand with the Secretary and shall execute responsibilities along with the Secretary.
(b) In the absence of the secretary, the Deputy Secretary assumes the full responsibilities of the Secretary.
(c) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.5 The Treasurer
(a) Shall keep a meticulous record of all finances of the Association.
(b) Shall be responsible for all financial affairs of all TUCASA projects including creating sound project proposals to raise funds for the Association.
(c) Shall disburse tithes and offerings of all TUCASA projects to the local Church or Conference.
(d) Shall be a signatory to the TUCASA account(s).
(e) Shall submit annual financial report of the Association to the General Assembly.
(f) Shall surrender his/her documents for auditing purposes whenever deemed necessary.
(g) Shall remit the subscription percentage to the next level as stipulated by the TUCASA financial policy
(h) Shall submit tithes, directed moneys from the gatherings and keep the loose moneys for the Association.
(i) Shall keep the offerings received during TUCASA gatherings for TUCASA use.
(j) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association
15.6 The Deputy Treasurer
(a) The Deputy Treasurer works hand in hand with the treasurer and shall execute responsibilities along with the Treasurer.
(b) In the absence of the Treasurer, the Deputy Treasurer assumes the full responsibilities of the Treasurer.
(c) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
15.7 The Communication Coordinator
(a) He/she shall supervise, activate and administrate the organization’s Website, Electronic mail address (E- mail) and all information and communication access pertaining to the Association as per Church guidelines
(b) He/she shall be the central communication organizer of the association’s activities as instructed by the TUCASA Executive Committee in the appropriate level.
(c) He/she shall be the member of the TUCASA Executive Committee of the appropriate level of the Association.
(d) Tanzania Union Communication Coordinator shall coordinate all the electronic information around the Union as per the rules and guidelines established by this constitution and the church manual.
(e) He may in the consultation with the Executive Committee of TUCASA Tanzania Union have power to make, amend any rules or guidelines pertaining to information communication.
15.8 The Internal Auditor
(a) Shall audit all accounts and financial documents/records of the Association quarterly.
(b) The treasurer of the Association may be called for and audited atany time by the TUCASA Internal Auditor of the respective level.
(c) Shall report to the executive committee in the respective level of the association.
Article XVI
Regulations and By- Laws
In order to ensure smooth operations of the Association, the Association may make Regulations and By Laws in conformity with this Constitution.
Article XVII
1. TUCASA shall meet for worship every Friday evening, Sabbath and on any other day as determined by the local campus members.
2. The general Assembly may meet at least once in a term to determine TUCASA matters.
Article XVIII
Where this constitution is silent, the current edition of the Seventh-day Adventist Church Manual and policies of the Church shall apply.
Article XIX
Any leader/officer who does not perform his duties as outlined by the constitution may be impeached by 2/3 majority vote of the members. Such impeachment shall be carried out after the Association has been convinced that the said leader has not satisfactorily performed his/her duties as outlined in Article 2 above and despite the three-time warnings given for possible correction.
(Made under Article 16 of the Constitution)
1.1 Finances will be raised through membership subscription fees, projects, grants,churchbudget, offerings and or voluntary contributions.
1.2 All finances shall be dispensed as prescribed by annual budget and approved by the TUCASA Executive Committee in consultation with the general assembly.
1.3 All finances of the Association shall be processed and audited according to the Seventh-day Adventist Church principles and practices
1.4 All finances of the TUCASA Conference, Zone and branchshall be kept in the Association’s Bank Account. But in the absence of the association bank account all finance shall kept the in church bank account of their choice passed by a special resolution of the executive committee and approved by the general assembly.
A zone shall be organized where the following criteria have been met.
2.1 Geographical coverage:An area that is reachable and convenient for spiritual and administrative purpose within the conference or field of specification.
2.2 Spiritual maturity: Branches within the zone shall be spiritually active, growing and evangelistic as demonstrated by branch participation in worship and evangelistic meetings, as well as zonal organized meeting, retreats or any prepared congregation.
2.3 Self supporting: The area should be a self supporting both in human resource and finance as demonstrated by branches and strong leadership and remittance of annual subscription.
2.4 Having more than one active branch.
Sub-committees shall be appointed by the TUCASA Executive Committee of the respective level as deemed necessary.
3.1 A quorum shall be mandatory for the constitution adaption, alteration or amendment and election of leaders.
3.2 A quorum for article 2 (7)1 shall be 2/3 of the active members present.
3.3 The TUCASA Executive Committee quorum shall consist1/2 of the members.
4.1 This constitution and its By-Laws may be amended by 2/3 majority of the members present in the General Assembly convened annually.
4.2 Amendments of this constitution can only be done at a duly called Student Convention convened by TUCASA TANZANIA UNION, taking into consideration the number of the institutions presents at the conference. Anything contrary to the provisions of this constitution is null and void.
4.3 When the need arises, the Executive Committee may amend the constitution and the amendment shall be fully endorsed at the next General Assembly.
4.4 The resolutions shall not be subjected to change except when rejected by 2/3 of General Assembly members and the approval of the TUM Executive Committee.
4.5 If any need arises and a member sees a possibility of amendments to the constitution, he/she shall apply for vote from zone that he/she belongs and before saving the amendment in the TU general Assembly.
(a) Relationship between the THISDASO (TUCASA) structure and the church:
(a) The Tanzania Union Chaplaincy, Campus Ministries and Education department; recognizes and respects the Association and several layers of Administration of the Seventh - day Adventist church as stipulated in the Current Church working policy
(b) We therefore wish to encourage all TUCASA structures to adhere to the policy of the church by respecting the several level of administration in the Adventist church.
(c) The local church is the first layer of administration, as such all officers of the church including the local church Pastors, must be given their due respect and recognition by we students.
(d) We recognize that without the Pastor and the Local church, our work will be a disheartening task.
(e) Service requests for guest speakers when running special or regular meetings should be channeled through the church structure. No speaker should be invited without the endorsement of the chaplain, local Pastor/Conference director/TUM Chaplaincy and Youth Ministries Director/ Education Director. This is necessary to avoid using speakers that are not recognized and recommended by the church due to valid reasons.
(f) We recognize that our understanding of God’s truth as revealed to the church is progressive, but wish to warn ourselves against following the proponents of the NEW LIGHT theology. All theological interpretations of the Scriptures and the Spirit of Prophecy should be done under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Church Doctrines (28 Fundamental Beliefs), the local church and the church Pastor/Chaplain.
(g) The TUCASA structure in consultation with the TUM/Conference/Field/ Campus Ministries Director will approach any local church that will be able to foster the spiritual growth of the students.
(h) The local church will be responsible for the following among others:
(a) Provide a mutually beneficial relationship between the campus and the church.
(b) In consultation with the Pastor/church elder or Chaplain/conference director or TU director; students will be assisted when they face Sabbath or faith related challenges.
(c) Provide among others Lord’s Supper, baptism service and others requested service by TUCASA in the appropriate time and level.
(d) Sub zonal structure
(a) Sub zonal structures will be formed in an area where two or more regions/ institutions are in close proximity.
(b) Representatives (not less than two and not more than five) from member campus structures will constitute a nominating committee where the sub zonal leaders will be appointed.
(c) The zone executive committee shall supervise and administer the election of sub-zone leaders.
(d) The procedure and qualifications required for election in the campus/branch structure shall also apply in the sub zonal structure.
(e) The sub zonal leaders shall be determined by zone executive committee depending on the need on the respective zone towards such succession or division.
(f) Other sub- zonal leadership positions/committees may be formed as deemed necessary as per a particular sub zonal requirement and its responsibilities must be clearly stated.
(g) The leaders shall do their job as prescribed under article 2.1-2.6of the By-Laws above.
(h) The main function of the sub zonal structure will be that of coordinating the activities amongmember on sub zonal level.
(i) All sub- zonal reports shall be sent every 3 months (quarterly) to the zone responsible.
(j) The sub zonal Structure does not have the right to run the programs and activities of the local campus structures unless consent expressly provided.
Alioa mwaka 1879 mwanamke aitwae Ella Ervilla Eaton (1853–1920) na kwa pamoja hawakubahatika kupata mtoto wa kuzaa ila kwa pamoja walifanikiwa kulea watoto 42 na kati yao waliwalea watoto 8 kisheria kama watoto wao wa kuzaa kabla Ella hajafariki mwaka 1920.
Dkt. John aliamini tiba ya mwanadamu kupitia vyakula asili, mbogamboga na mazoezi huku akipinga vikali matumizi ya pombe na tumbaku.
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Dkt. John Harvey Kellogg |
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Baadhi ya maelezo katika nyumba yake ya makumbusho |
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Baadhi ya vifaa vya mazoezi alivyogundua kwa ajili ya afya ya mwanadamu |
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Maelezo yakionesha idadi ya huduma alizawahi kutoa enzi za uhai wake duniani kote |
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Kifaa cha mazoezi alichogundua dkt. John |
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Moja ya maelezo kumuhusu yaliyopo katika nyumba ya makumbusho |
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Picha ikionesha vifaa vyake vya mazoezi |
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Maelezo ya matumizi ya kifaa cha mazoezi |
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Maelezo kuhusu nyuma yake ya mazoezi na aina ya tiba yake. Taarifa kwa msaada wa http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:John_Harvey_Kellogg. na Amusir Solutins |